Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List 2023 {PDF} Admission BA BSc BCom

Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List 2023: Birjhora Mahavidyalaya, located in Bongaigaon, Assam, is a renowned educational institution that offers a wide range of courses to students. Each year, the college releases the Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List, which holds great significance in the admission process. The merit list serves as a crucial document for determining the eligibility of candidates and acts as a gateway for aspiring students to pursue higher education.

Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Admission 2023

Name of InstitutionBirjhora Mahavidyalaya
CourseUG , PG
AddressBirjhora Mahavidyalaya,
Borpara,Bongaigaon-783380, Assam,
Contact Number3664 295088
CategoryMerit List

The Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List 2023 is eagerly awaited by students who have applied for admission to this esteemed institution. It showcases the academic achievements of candidates, reflecting their potential and suitability for admission. The merit list is prepared based on the candidates’ performance in the qualifying examinations, serving as a testament to their hard work and dedication.

Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List Schedule 2023

TDC Application Starting Date14th June 2023
TDC Course Application Last Date3rd July 2023
Merit List Release Date7th July 2023
Admission Date8th July Onwards

Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Cut-Off List 2023


The Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Admission process is highly competitive, and the merit list plays a crucial role in determining the cut-off marks for admission. The cut-off marks represent the minimum qualifying score required for a candidate to secure admission to a particular course or program. The cut-off list is prepared based on factors such as the number of applicants, available seats, and the overall performance of candidates in the qualifying examinations.

Steps to Download Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List Online

To download the Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List 2023, candidates can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Birjhora Mahavidyalaya.
  2. Look for the “Admissions” or “Merit List” section on the website.
  3. Click on the provided link to access the merit list.
  4. Enter the required details, such as application number or registration number.
  5. Submit the information, and the merit list will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Candidates can download the merit list in PDF format for future reference.

Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List Download Link

BA Merit ListAvailable Soon
BSc Merit ListAvailable Soon
BCom Merit ListAvailable Soon

The Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List 2023 holds immense significance for students seeking admission to this prestigious institution. It highlights their academic achievements, dedication, and potential. By following the prescribed steps, candidates can easily download the merit list and ascertain their eligibility for admission to their desired courses. The Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Merit List acts as a gateway to quality education, empowering students to embark on a successful academic journey.