REAP Merit List 2023 Admission BA,BSc, BCom

REAP Merit List 2023 Download: Rajasthan Engineering Admission Process (REAP) is a state-level entrance examination conducted by the Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan, for admission to undergraduate engineering courses in various colleges across the state. The REAP Merit List plays a crucial role in determining the candidates’ eligibility for admission. In this article, we will delve into the details of the REAP Merit List, the admission process, and the steps to download the merit list for the year 2023.

REAP Admission 2023

Name of InstitutionRajasthan Engineering Admission Process (REAP)
CourseArts, Science, Commerce
State NameRajasthan
AddressRajasthan Technical University, Akelgarh, Kota, Rajasthan 324010
Contact Number0744 247 3020
CategoryMerit List

The REAP Merit List is prepared based on the candidates’ performance in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main. The list ranks the candidates in descending order of their scores, with the highest scorer securing the top rank. The merit list serves as a benchmark for colleges and institutes to offer admissions to deserving candidates.

The admission process through REAP begins after the release of the merit list. Candidates who have secured a position in the merit list are eligible to participate in the counseling process. The counseling includes the choice filling and locking of preferred colleges and courses. Candidates are advised to carefully select their choices based on their ranks and the availability of seats.

REAP Merit list Schedule 2023

1st Merit List PublishedAugust 2023
Documents Verification & Payment of FeesAugust 2023
2nd Merit List Published August 2023
Documents Verification & Payment of FeesAugust 2023
3rd Merit List Published August 2023
Documents Verification & Payment of FeesAugust 2023

REAP Cut-Off List 2023


The REAP Cut-Off List is released after the counseling process is completed. It is the minimum rank required by a candidate to secure admission to a particular college or course. The cut-off list is determined by various factors such as the number of available seats, the number of applicants, and the difficulty level of the entrance examination. Candidates who meet the cut-off criteria are eligible for admission.

Steps to Download REAP Merit List Online

  1. Visit the official website of REAP (provide the website link).
  2. Look for the “Merit List” or “Rank List” section on the homepage.
  3. Click on the designated link for the merit list of the year 2023.
  4. Enter your login credentials, such as application number and password.
  5. Submit the details, and the merit list will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Check your rank and other relevant details mentioned in the merit list.
  7. Download the merit list for future reference.

REAP Merit List Download Link

BA Merit ListAvailable Soon
BSc Merit ListAvailable Soon
BCom Merit ListAvailable Soon

The REAP Merit List serves as a crucial document for candidates aspiring to secure admission in engineering courses in Rajasthan. It provides a transparent and standardized process for colleges and institutes to admit deserving candidates based on their performance in the entrance examination. By following the steps mentioned above, candidates can easily download the REAP Merit List 2023 and stay informed about their rank and eligibility for admission. It is essential for candidates to keep track of the cut-off list and participate in the counseling process to secure their desired college and course.